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Week 1 Takeaways: Southgate vs Trenton

Trenton and Southgate have become a game where you never know the outcome on who will win. Two years ago was the first time in a long time that Southgate made it to the playoffs but, unfortunately, fell short. In this game, Southgate would take the win with a score of 27-26

Trenton Trojans

Run Rooney Run 

Ashton Rooney was the star player for the Trenton offensive. Starting off the game in the first quarter with a 42-yard touchdown, and from there, he was off. Rooney would go on to show why he was a finalist for our MVP award last season, as he would finish the game with 230 yards and two touchdowns. 

Southgate Titans

Sage wisdom 

Jackson Sage was a difference maker this week, throwing for 176 yards, rushing 97 yards, throwing for three touchdowns, and running for one, and was 6/17 passing. What made Sage have a defining game was that he was able to read the defense in the second half, seeing where the holes were and running for it; with that came the coaching adjustments due to Trenton’s defense not being as sharp as there were in the first half. Sage did what he could to give his team the win against Trenton. Since the 2022 playoffs with Sage as the quarterback, he has led the team to victory against the Trojans twice, making a record of 2-0. 

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